31st Annual Law Enforcement Canoe Regatta
The 31st Annual Law Enforcement Canoe Regatta will be on Sunday, February 17, at Waikiki Beach. The special event is open to all federal, state and county law enforcement officers and personnel within Hawaii and Tahiti--and their immediate family members. Registration is $120 per six-person race and $100 per four-person race, with monies benefiting the athletes and programs of Special Olympics Hawaii. To sign-up or for more info please contact Sergeant James “Kahai” Canario at (808) 371-2914 or email jcanario@honolulu.gov.
Event Date & Time
Sunday, February 17, 2019
9:00am - 1:00pm
Event Image
Event Location
Waikiki Beach
Kalakaua Ave.
Honolulu, HI 96815
Island: Oahu
Event Cost
Registration is $120 per six-person race and $100 per four-person race, with monies benefiting the athletes and programs of Special Olympics Hawaii. To sign-up or for more info please contact Sergeant James “Kahai” Canario at (808) 371-2914 or email j
Event Catagory
Categories: Fundraisers / Non-Profit
Sports / Fitness

Contact Information:
Promoter: Manley
Name: Sergeant James “Kahai” Canario
Phone: (808) 371-2914
Email: jcanario@honolulu.gov
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